The Korean government established the National Farmers' Leadership Centre (NFLC) as an Official Development Assistant (ODA) project through the KOICA in response to the request by the President of Uganda H. E. Yoweri Museveni. Based on the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed in April 2011 between the two governments, KOICA invested a total of $4.4 million to establish a training centre on a 50-acre site located in Kampiringisa, Kamengo sub-county, Mpigi district, Uganda. The NFLC was officially transferred to the MAAIF on 28th May 2017 after a one-year consignment operation period since the opening ceremony was held on May 30th, 2016, with the presence of the two Presidents of Korea and Uganda. NFLC is the only Saemaul Undong transmission institution in East Africa and Uganda. One of the Institution's objectives is to transform the mindset of the people using the Saemaul model to uphold the spirit of diligence, self-help, and cooperation. In addition, it raises agricultural leaders with modern agricultural skills to increase farmers' incomes in the local community.
Minimum Qualification: Master's Degree
Experience Level: Senior Level
Experience Length: 10+ years
Job Description/Requirements
Terms of Reference for Midline Evaluation of NFLC II Project
- Project Title: Institutional Capacity Support to the National Farmers’ Leadership Centre (NFLC II)
- Objective: Enhance sustainable agricultural production and improve marketability.
- Geographic Area: Kampirigisa, Mpigi District, Uganda
- Duration: 2021–2028 (8 years)
- Beneficiaries:
- Direct: NFLC staff
- Indirect: 3,000 annual trainees (government officers, extensionists, village leaders, farmers)
- Consortium Partners: Good Neighbors, KEADI, Saemaul Globalization Foundation
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA): Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) was founded in 1991 with a mission to fight against global poverty. Since its establishment, KOICA has endeavoured to combat poverty and support the sustainable socio-economic development of its partner countries as Korea’s dedicated aid agency. By doing so, KOICA establishes and strengthens friendly ties with developing countries. KOICA operates 48 field offices in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and Europe.
The Korean government established the National Farmers' Leadership Centre (NFLC) as an ODA project through KOICA in response to a request by the President of Uganda. KOICA invested $4.4 million to establish a training center in Kampiringisa, Uganda. The NFLC was officially transferred to the MAAIF on May 28, 2017, after a one-year consignment operation period.NFLC is the only Saemaul Undong transmission institution in East Africa and Uganda. Its objectives include transforming mindsets using the Saemaul model and raising agricultural leaders with modern agricultural skills to increase farmers' incomes.
The NFLC's lecture rooms, dormitory facilities, and model farms required improvement to meet training demands. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Korea through KOICA supported the Government of Uganda to implement the Institutional Capacity Support to the National Farmers’ Leadership Centre (NFLC) phase II project. This second phase aims to supplement and expand NFLC infrastructure (training center facilities and farms), strengthen employee training capabilities, and establish an independent operating system.
Implementation Arrangement
KOICA appointed a Project Management Consultancy (PMC) comprised of Good Neighbors International, KEADI, and Saemaul Globalization Foundation to implement the project.
Project Objectives
i. Enforcement of NFLC's training capacity: Development of training modules, creation of an expert network, capacity-building training for NFLC staff, and development of a model village through the farmer field school approach. ii. Enforcement of NFLC's administrative capacity: Capacity-building workshops for NFLC administrative staff and establishment and enforcement of the NFLC administrative system.
iii. Improvement of NFLC’s training environment: Establishing improved structures, including state-of-the-art accommodation, classrooms, a sports center, equipment support, and pilot farm improvements.
Overall Objective of the Project
- To develop high-quality agricultural human resources through the expansion of NFLC facilities.
- To establish a foundation for self-reliance by supporting the facilities of the demonstration farms and strengthening human capacity.
- Outcome 1: Development of high-quality agricultural human resources through sustainable NFLC operation.
- Outcome 2: Increase the income of Model Village (Muyira parish) up to 150%.
- Financial independence rate (%).
- Change in the average income of small-scale farmers (%).
- Change in crop production (%).
In 2022, the NFLCII project conducted a baseline survey to establish benchmark values for key indicators outlined in the performance matrix. The survey collected data on:
NFLC II Indicators: Financial independence rate (%), average income changes of small-scale farmers (%), and crop production (%).
Additional Data: Average annual income generated by NFLC, annual farm income of NFLC, non-farm income of NFLC (Training & Accommodation), annual crop, livestock, and poultry production for NFLC, available farm technology at NFLC, number and type of available training modules, number of available expert networks, and number of administrative and training staff who received capacity-building training.Neighbourhood Village Indicators: Annual farm income (crop, poultry, and livestock production), and production rate (crop, poultry, and livestock production).Farmer Field Schools and Community Impact: Number of current Farmer Field Schools in Muyira parish, number of available Farmer Field School enterprises, number of farmers with knowledge of modern agriculture methods in the neighbouring village, impact of NFLC on the neighbouring community, and current mindset of farmer leaders.
The project has been running for three years since 2022. A Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) will be conducted in the fourth year (2025). This midline evaluation will build on the baseline findings to evaluate progress made in achieving project objectives, including improvements in crop production, household incomes, and the financial independence rate of the NFLC. The midline survey aims to assess project progress by evaluating the extent to which key outcomes and objectives are being met. The findings will provide insights into the effectiveness of interventions and inform necessary adjustments for improved project implementation.
Objectives of the Midline Evaluation
I. Provide mid-term performance values of key performance indicators and document deviations from baseline values. II. Evaluate changes in crop production, household income of small-scale farmers, and the financial independence trajectory of the NFLC compared to baseline values. III. Assess how changes in temperature, rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events influenced crop production and productivity among smallholder farmers in the project area. IV. Assess the level of adoption of modern agricultural practices and shifts in stakeholders' perceptions, attitudes, and behavior since the project started. V. Identify and analyze emerging barriers affecting project implementation and their impact on expected outcomes. VI. Document lessons learned to inform the remaining project period and guide future phases of the project. VII. Deliver actionable recommendations for targeted interventions to enhance project outcomes and sustainability. VIII. Assess the project's positive and negative impacts on target beneficiaries, stakeholders, and the broader community.
Scope of the Midline Evaluation
The midline survey will be conducted at the NFLC site in Kampiringisa, Mpigi District, and the neighboring Muyira Parish.
Target Population: NFLC staff, trainees, farmers (especially FFS members), village leaders, and other stakeholders. Where possible, the selection of respondents will be based on baseline respondents.
Key Indicators: Percentage change in crop production of priority crops (beans, bananas, cassava, coffee, ginger, and maize) compared to baseline; percentage change in household income of small-scale farmers from crop and livestock production compared to baseline; financial independence rate of the NFLC (%); percentage of NFLC staff implementing learned practices after completing project-organized workshops; and percentage of trainees and farmers adopting improved agricultural practices after completing training on mindset change and agriculture technologies.
The midline values will be compared to baseline values.
The proposed duration of the assignment is 10 weeks (50 working days).
Key Responsibilities of the Consultant
Conduct a critical review of the Project Documents/Reports.
Enhance or propose alternative and relevant indicators.
Design data collecting tools.
Recruit, train, and supervise enumerators.
Conduct data collection.
Analyze collected data and develop a comprehensive midline survey report.
Share key survey findings and recommendations with project stakeholders.
The midterm evaluation will employ a mixed-methods approach, including:
- Defining the sample size and selection criteria.
- Utilizing household surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and direct observations.
- Conducting statistical analysis, comparing findings with baseline data, and interpreting qualitative responses.
- Adhering to ethical research guidelines.
Key Deliverables
i. Final inception report (within five days after signing the contract). ii. Draft report (within 30 working days of signing the contract), presented at a validation workshop in Mpigi. iii. Presentation of the final report, including actionable mid-course recommendations, a policy brief, and how findings will be integrated into ongoing project implementation (within two days of the validation workshop).
Schedule of Key Deliverables:
- Preparation of the inception report and field survey planning:
- Final inception report
- Draft the evaluation plan
- Share the evaluation plan with PMC
- Recruitment and training of enumerators
- Pretesting the tools
- Time frame: 1 week after the contract.
Data collection:
- Conduct household surveys, FGDs, and KIIs as per the approved methodology with key stakeholders.
- Conduct field monitoring to ensure quality and adherence to ethical standards.
- Time frame: 2 ~4 weeks after the approval of the final inception report and schedule for the survey plan.
Data Analysis:
- Data cleaning
- Data analysis
- Time frame: 2 weeks after the Field Survey
- Prepare and share draft report.
- Review and provide feedback on the draft report submitted by the consultant.
- Facilitate validation workshops to review preliminary findings.
- Approve the final report after incorporating stakeholder inputs.
- Time frame: 2 weeks after the Data collection and analysis
Finalisation and dissemination of midline findings workshop:
- Finalise the evaluation report and share the final report.
- Dissemination workshop to present the final report, highlighting key findings, barriers, enablers, and recommendations for future interventions.
- Develop user-friendly materials summarizing key findings and recommendations.
Time frame: Compilation (Total 8 ~ 10 weeks)
The schedule can be adjusted depending on the circumstance.
Management and Supervision of the Assignment
The NFLC phase II Project Management Consultancy (PMC) on behalf of KOICA will manage the recruitment of the Consultant. The consultant will report directly to the PMC Project lead or a designated individual on all contractual obligations and key deliverables outlined in the Terms of Reference.
Roles of PMC and survey consultants
Manage the overall evaluation process.
Provide the Terms of Reference (TOR) and project documents to the consultant.
Notify stakeholders relevant to the interview.
Provide overall support for a smooth process.
Complete tasks for the overall midline evaluation.
Review relevant NFLC II project documents.
Conduct field visits and interviews.
Complete the required reports.
Present the outputs and the final report.
Qualifications and Experience of the Consultant
To conduct the assignment, PMC seeks a competent Consultant with the following:
Professional experience:
- At least 10 years of proven professional experience in:
- Planning, design, and management of both qualitative and quantitative surveys.
- Development of survey tools.
- Experience with and knowledge of survey data quality assurance.
- Writing evaluation reports.
- Working with stakeholders.
- Fluency in Luganda and English (added advantage).
- Proven records of similar assignments undertaken.
- Proven experience in midline evaluation assignments.
- M&E systems development and implementation.
- Understanding of rigorous evaluation methodologies.
- Strong management, organizational, and communication skills.
- Willingness to undertake regular field visits.
- Understanding of Korean development projects.
- Proficiency in data analysis software such as SPSS, R programming language, and STATA.
Qualifications of the consultant:
The lead consultant should possess a Master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, and some team members should have at least a degree in statistics, economics, social sciences, agricultural economics, project management, rural development, or related fields.
Intellectual Property
KOICA and the government of Uganda shall solely and exclusively own all rights to any work created in connection with this agreement, including all data, documents, information, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights. The consultant is not allowed to post or publish (electronically or in print) any project-related information without explicit permission from KOICA and the government of Uganda.
Payment Terms and Schedule
Payment shall be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) after the presentation of an invoice by the consultant as per the following schedule:
50% of the contract sum after approval of the inception report.
20% of the contract sum after the presentation of an acceptable 1st draft report.
30% of the contract sum after approval of the final report and dissemination.
The final price must be VAT-inclusive.
The company name and TIN must be included in the consultant's address.
A copy of the company or individual registration certificate from the Uganda Registration Service Bureau is required.
Application Process and Submission
Interested candidates should provide the following documentation:
Detailed technical proposal in response to the TOR, focusing on the interpretation of the TOR, technical approach, methodology, andwork plan
A brief description of the consultant’s organization and an outline and proof of recent experience on similar assignments.
A financial proposal with a detailed budget breakdown based on an expected daily rate, reimbursable expenses, consumables, consultancy fees, all relevant costs, applicable taxes, and withholding tax.
Company profile or CV, including a minimum of 3 references, names, and CVs of proposed team members, highlighting their experience and roles in achieving the assignment.
Offers should be submitted via email to nflcproject (copied to renekggw
The deadline for submission of both technical and financial proposals is March 5th, 2025, at 10:00 am.
For TORs, Project Implementation Plan and Project Design Matrix, copy and Paste this link into your browser:
Midline Evaluation Report Layout
Title page: KOICA logo and title of the assignment.
Contents page
List of abbreviations and acronyms
Executive Summary: Maximum 2 pages, summarizing the assessment, key findings, and recommendations.
1. Background: Maximum 3 pages on the context of the intervention and project objectives.
2. Methodology: Maximum 3 pages detailing1 data collection methods, data collectors, sample size, limitations, and data quality measures.
3. Findings and analysis: Results of the assessment according to the ToR objectives, combining qualitative and quantitative data, disaggregated by village, sex, and age. Includes a summary table of updated project results framework indicators. Addresses data reliability and validity analysis compared to the target area.
4. Lessons Learnt, Success stories, and Recommendations: Approximately 4 pages, linking lessons learned, success stories, and recommendations to the findings. Includes recommendations for PMC, NFLCII, and PIU on future project M&E.
5. Annexes of the report should include:
Work plan/schedule.
List of people and organizations consulted.
References/list of documents reviewed.
All data collection tools used (questionnaires, interview guides, interview questions, focus group discussion guides, cleaned datasets, and codebook).
Additional methodological information (e.g., detailed sampling information).
Full data tables of all quantitative results (if appropriate).
Description of Data Quality Assurance and Data Storage.
Additional maps, photos, or detailed case studies (if available).
All raw data (quantitative data files, transcripts of FGDs, etc.) submitted to PMC in both print and electronic/soft copy format.
Inception Report Layout
Table of Content
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Background of the project and context
Purpose, objectives, and scope of the evaluation
Limitations of the Evaluation
Evaluation questions
Key Performance Indicators
Method of data collection
Sampling strategy and sample size
Data storage and cleaning
Data Analysis Techniques
Data quality assurance measures
Ethical considerations
Pretesting and tool validation process
3. Risk management and mitigation
Potential risks and mitigation measures
4. Workplan
Detailed schedule
Milestones and deliverables
5. Annex for the inception report to include
Detailed work plan
Draft data collection tools